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/ MacUser Mac Bin 28 / MACUSER-MACBIN28A-1996-03.ISO.7z / MACUSER-MACBIN28A-1996-03.ISO / READER'S GALLERY / 北海道 米井和則さん / K'sWorks1 folder / 北国の日暮ははやい (.png) < prev   
Macintosh Picture Format  |  1995-10-16  |  551KB  |  640x400  |  16-bit (25,777 colors)
Labels: book | hakham | person | plant | sky
OCR: we the DIeYDU: that OTP conre ueence of the difference on-site energies of the heteronuclear diatomic molecul: that in the bonding state charge ig transfertel from tha atom rith the higher on-site energs atom vith the lover on-site energy. Pauling defined electronega atirity the poveI of an atom to attract electrons 01 itsel from neighbouring atoms in its enyironment Iti therefore property of the atom and the environment it finds itself in A1 electonegatirity scale 48 t of number one for such that if the electrone ityfor than the el-ctoro negativities tor R 101 rthing unig u because add a COD elctonegatiritirs fe multiply 098 constani amont then T obtai the same ranking of the elements the Con uently sev: steI1 use and may be brought roughl: into conincilence shifu te zero and charging te ...